rediscount — [rē dis′kount] vt. to discount (esp. commercial paper) for a second time n. 1. the act or process of rediscounting 2. rediscounted commercial paper rediscountable adj … English World dictionary
rediscount — To discount short term negotiable debt instruments for a second time, after they have been discounted with a bank. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * Purchase before maturity by a central bank of a government obligation or other financial… … Financial and business terms
Rediscount — The act of discounting a short term negotiable debt instrument for a second time. Banks may rediscount these short term debt securities to assist the movement of a market that has a high demand for loans. When there is low liquidity in the market … Investment dictionary
rediscount Finance — verb (of a central bank) discount (a bill of exchange) that has already been discounted by a commercial bank. noun the action of rediscounting … English new terms dictionary
rediscount rate — ☆ rediscount rate n. the rate of interest charged by a district Federal Reserve Bank for rediscounting top grade commercial paper offered by its member banks … English World dictionary
rediscount rate — noun : the discount rate charged by Federal Reserve banks for rediscounting commercial paper for member banks or making secured advances to them on their own notes * * * the rate charged by the Federal Reserve Bank to member banks for… … Useful english dictionary
rediscount — I. transitive verb Date: 1838 to discount again (as commercial paper) • rediscountable adjective II. noun Date: 1892 1. the act or process of rediscounting 2. negotiable paper that is rediscounted … New Collegiate Dictionary
rediscount — /ree dis kownt/, v.t. 1. to discount again. n. 2. an act of rediscounting. 3. Usually, rediscounts. commercial paper discounted a second time. [1865 70; RE + DISCOUNT] * * * … Universalium
rediscount — 1. verb To discount again 2. noun A second or subsequent discount … Wiktionary
rediscount — re·dis·count || ‚rÉªË dɪskaÊŠnt n. second discount, additional reduction in price or value v. give a second discount, make an additional reduction in price or value … English contemporary dictionary
rediscount — re·dis·count … English syllables